Interférences des GSM

Ivan W. nous informe que sur la mailing liste d'électron libre (des gars sérieux !) on signale un risque réel d’interférences si vous avez un gsm allumé à moins d'un mètre de votre émetteur. Si vous avez une expérience qui confirme l’info, faites-le nous savoir !

Suite... Nicolas vient d'en faire la triste expérience. En fin de looping, son GSM s'est mis à sonner (dans sa poche) et immédiatement l'avion n'a plus répondu. Un long piqué et la désintégration du modèle. L'histoire ne précise pas si Nicolas a eu l'appel ni si les télé-opérateurs ont des actions dans le modélisme.

(Futaba Product Use FAQ)
Is there any risk to using cellular phones in close proximity with my radio?
There are two separate parts to this question — frequency transmission interference vs. computer processor interference.

FREQUENCY: While most fields do not recommend the use of cell phones for liability reasons, there should never be a frequency problem between cell phones and radio systems. The FCC makes sure that neither cell phones, nor R/C frequencies are close enough in range to interfere with each other and they enforce this policy actively. We have many fliers in high cell phone use areas, who have never encountered frequency problems related to cell phones, but once again, with the volume of cell phones today, and for safety sake, it is best not to fly during a large amount of cell phone use in the area of the flying field.

PROCESSOR: There have been a few reported cases of modelers seeming to encounter strange programming issues with their computer radios when used in the vicinity of an operating cell phone. We have never seen this nor can we replicate it; however, when it comes to safety we always recommend the modeler err on the side of caution and avoid use of your radio equipment in close proximity with a cellular phone which is turned on.

It is always best to take all possible precautions to avoid a situation that could potentially harm someone. Therefore, we recommend limiting the proximity of powered-on cellular phones to at least 1000 feet from any radio in operation.